How Artificial Intelligence Facilitates Decision-Making

artificial intelligence decision making

It is projected that by 2026, AI will transform 70% of web and mobile app development. With the help of AI-driven algorithmic decision-making, companies can navigate almost intuitively despite constant changes and immediately see what is happening and what can be expected next. 

In what way is artificial intelligence expected to help businesses with enhanced decision-making? Advanced methods and tools improve decision-making by transforming operational and customer-facing processes, enabling leaders to make decisions faster, even in times of great uncertainty.  

What requirements does AI have to meet to create added value for companies? How does AI make decisions, and does it excel in human-made ones? Let’s find it out. 

Understanding AI in Decision-Making  

How artificial intelligence helps in decision-making? The AI system processes and analyzes huge data fields in real time, makes intelligent predictions based on historical data, and suggests the best possible decisions based on the data sets and initially specified parameters. 

There are two main differences between human and AI decision-making: 

  • AI considers all available information, while a human considers limited data. 
  • Artificial intelligence is ultimately objective and ignores emotional factors. 

Given these differences, each AI project based on a series of criteria or conditions. Most companies note the following advantages of AI-driven decision-making frameworks: 

  1. Efficiency: AI-driven decision-making in business can significantly enhance efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, analyzing vast amounts of data quickly, and providing actionable insights in real time. This efficiency allows businesses to streamline processes, reduce operational costs, and allocate resources more effectively. 
  2. Accuracy: AI algorithms can process and analyze data with a level of accuracy and consistency that surpasses human capabilities. By eliminating human error and bias, AI-driven decision-making ensures more reliable outcomes, leading to better-informed strategic decisions and reduced risk of costly mistakes. 
  3. Personalization: AI enables businesses to personalize their products, services, and marketing strategies based on individual customer preferences, behaviors, and demographics. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, businesses can deliver tailored experiences that resonate with customers, increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and, ultimately, higher revenue. 
  4. Competitive advantage: Embracing AI-driven decision-making can give businesses a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving market landscape. By harnessing AI technologies to uncover insights, identify emerging trends, and predict future market dynamics, companies can stay ahead of the curve, anticipate customer needs, and adapt their strategies proactively to maintain a leadership position in their industry. 

Adaptive learning algorithms are trained on relevant variables over a longer period of time. Cognitive computing uses AI technologies to simulate human thought processes. The aim is to develop your own solutions and strategies based on experience. This approach can be used in almost any application. Voice assistants such as Alexa or Siri already illustrate the potential in everyday life.  

The decision-making process is based on a cognitive computing algorithm. Cognitive computing is a branch of AI that aims to mimic the human brain’s ability to process information and learn from it. It involves systems that can understand, reason, learn, and interact naturally with humans. Cognitive computing systems are designed to handle large volumes of complex data, understand natural language, and make sense of unstructured information. 

Here’s how cognitive computing turns unstructured information into data-driven insights for businesses: 

1. The algorithm collects data and learns from it. 

  • The cognitive computing algorithm begins by collecting and ingesting vast amounts of data from various sources, including structured and unstructured data such as text, images, and videos. 
  • Through machine learning techniques, the algorithm analyzes and learns from this data, identifying patterns, correlations, and relationships between different data points. 

2. AI gets the context. 

  • Once the data is collected, the algorithm develops an understanding of the context in which the decision needs to be made. 
  • It considers relevant factors such as historical trends, environmental conditions, user preferences, and business objectives to gain a holistic view of the situation. 

3. The algorithm recognizes and analyzes patterns. 

  • Using advanced analytics and pattern recognition capabilities, the algorithm identifies key insights and trends within the data. 
  • It recognizes similarities and differences between the current situation and past experiences, drawing upon its knowledge base to make informed comparisons. 

4. Hypothesis generation and evaluation. 

  • Based on its analysis, the algorithm generates hypotheses or potential solutions to address the current problem or challenge. 
  • It evaluates each hypothesis against known facts, considering the likelihood of success, potential risks, and alignment with desired outcomes. 

5. Algorithm uses recommendations for AI decision-making. 

  • Finally, the algorithm synthesizes its analysis and recommendations into a coherent decision. 
  • It provides a recommendation or course of action based on the most promising hypothesis, considering the available evidence, contextual factors, and desired objectives. 
  • The AI decision-making process occurs rapidly, often within seconds, allowing the algorithm to provide timely decision optimization to support human decision-makers. 

For the correct use of cognitive computing, some requirements must be met. In cognitive computing, artificial intelligence computers must be able to understand the context. So you have to recognize the meaning of statements, their syntax, the corresponding time, the places, the people, and all other contextual features.  

Experts in artificial intelligence software development design and implement algorithms that enable cognitive computing systems to process data, learn from it, and make intelligent decisions. This includes developing machine learning algorithms in the business areas where making fast and effective decisions is key to succeeding in highly competitive markets. 

AI’s Role in Enhanced Decision-Making  

Basically, companies can use AI for their business in two different ways today: 

  • Large corporations such as Google, IBM, or Microsoft develop their own intelligent platforms with artificial intelligence and offer them to their customers for a fee. 
  • The majority of companies use the AI services of these platform providers to optimize their own business. 

artificial intelligence in business decision making

Artificial intelligence decision-making examples abound in industries like finance, healthcare, and retail, where AI algorithms analyze vast datasets to predict market trends, diagnose illnesses, and optimize inventory management. How do AI-driven decision support systems create added value for companies in practice? Let’s look at a few cases listed below. 

Industry Challenge Reason for automation Results 
Healthcare A hospital struggled with misdiagnoses due to the complexity and variability of patient symptoms.    AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of patient data, including medical history, symptoms, test results, and even genetic information, much more quickly and comprehensively than human clinicians. This capability allows AI to detect subtle patterns and correlations that humans might miss, leading to more accurate diagnoses.  – Predictive analytics reduced misdiagnoses – Quicker and more accurate diagnoses – Improved patient outcomes and satisfaction  
Financial services A bank needed to assess the creditworthiness of loan applicants accurately. AI-driven predictive models can forecast future trends and probabilities based on historical data, allowing financial institutions to anticipate and mitigate potential risks proactively. Predictive analytics can account for complex interactions and nonlinear relationships between various factors, in which a human can overlook a lot of things. – A more nuanced understanding of risk dynamics – Enhanced accuracy of creditworthiness assessments – Warning signs of default or delinquency – Minimized overhead costs associated with manual underwriting processes 
Insurance An insurance company struggled with setting appropriate premiums to reflect risk accurately. AI systems can monitor insurance transactions and claims submissions in real time, enabling immediate detection and response to suspicious activities. By integrating with existing insurance systems and workflows, AI automatically flagged potentially fraudulent claims for review by fraud investigators,  – Precise premium setting – Accurate forecasting of claim probabilities – Reduced time and resources required to identify and mitigate fraudulent behavior 
Manufacturing A manufacturing company faced challenges in maintaining optimal stock levels to meet demand while minimizing excess inventory costs. AI continuously monitors inventory levels and adjusts reorder points, safety stock levels, and replenishment schedules in real time based on changing demand patterns and supply chain conditions. By dynamically optimizing inventory levels, AI helps prevent stockouts while minimizing excess inventory holding costs, ensuring optimal use of resources. – Optimized stock levels – Reduced carrying costs – Real-time analysis of demand patterns – Quicker responses to prevent stockouts or overstock situations 
Martech A marketing firm aimed to improve ad campaign effectiveness by delivering personalized content tailored to individual user behavior. AI automated A/B testing and optimization processes to experiment with different ad creatives, headlines, calls-to-action (CTAs), and targeting parameters. By analyzing performance data and identifying winning variations, AI iteratively refined ad campaigns to maximize ROI and achieve performance objectives more efficiently than manual optimization methods. – Higher user engagement rates – Enhanced customer satisfaction due to better match each user’s interests and needs – Personalized content delivery  

It is important to remember how the use of business intelligence changes tasks, structures, and company cultures. Despite the impressive cases described above, critical evaluation of the suggestions generated by AI systems is essential. Managers and supervisory boards must ensure that the results of these systems are checked for plausibility and are not adopted without checking. This includes checking for possible sources of error and assessing the impact of AI decisions on the company. 

Exploring AI-Driven Decision-Making Processes  

Artificial intelligence in business decision-making can have far-reaching consequences for the company’s success and should be taken appropriately. Similar to hiring decision-makers in the organization, it is crucial to understand how AI makes decisions.  

Many organizations want to use AI but don’t feel comfortable letting the model or the AI make more impactful decisions because they don’t trust the model yet. The predictions may be accurate, but without deeper understanding, the path to the result is difficult to understand. Data scientists are then faced with the problem of being unable to extract any insights from the models. 

Intelligent decision-making helps by providing insights into how models make decisions. It provides answers to three questions: 

  • Which features in the data does the AI model classify as particularly important? 
  • How does each feature affect the result for a single prediction from the model? 
  • How does each feature impact the model’s predictions in the holistic view when considered across many possible predictions? 

However, navigating AI complexities involves understanding algorithm intricacies, data biases, and interpretability challenges. An analytics services provider offers vital insights and guidance so that users, business leaders, and boards understand how these technologies work and their limitations.  

Careful selection, implementation, and monitoring documentation are crucial if you want to introduce AI technologies into your company. At Lightpoint, we have a narrow expertise in decision automation and usually adhere to predefined implementation plan. Here are simple steps we follow: 

1. Client’s path to the right AI solution 

  • Needs analysis: analyze your business needs at this stage and conclude exactly how AI contributes to better decision-making. 
  • Market analysis: document the comparison and evaluation of different AI solutions and why it is worth developing a specific one. 
  • Risk assessment: document the potential risks and develop tailored strategies on how to minimize them. 

2. Master the implementation 

  • Project plan: create a detailed plan for introducing AI into your company. 
  • Compliance check: ensure everything complies with the law and document this step carefully. 
  • Assemble the team: depending on the size and complexity of the project, we match the team with the right professionals. 
  • Test run: record the test phase results and how AI copes with real-time decision support. 

3. Monitor AI in action 

  • Check performance: we keep a record of AI performance and what the results are. 
  • Gather feedback: based on the collected documentation, we receive helpful feedback that can later be used to teach and improve the AI. 
  • Updates and maintenance: we help keep track of your AI up to date and ensure it runs efficiently. 

4. Management of documentation 

  • Secure storage: ensure all documents are secure and accessible to authorized parties. 
  • Keep documents current: note how and when you update your documentation. 

With a meticulous multi-case proven plan, compliance checks, and a dedicated team, we ensure seamless integration of AI into your company, guaranteeing legal adherence and efficient execution for impactful results. 

how does ai make decisions

A Holistic Look at AI Challenges  

The transformative potential of artificial intelligence decision-making is great – but its risks are just as great. External oversight bodies simply cannot keep up, and companies are increasingly struggling with demands to introduce reliable and transparent controls that can evolve as quickly as technology does. 

Five critical requirements exist for a trustworthy AI ecosystem capable of avoiding frequent challenges. 

1. Transparency 

End-users must know and understand when interacting with an AI from the start. They must be appropriately informed and allowed to: 

  • determine the level of interaction, 
  • give their consent to (or oppose) the data collection and use. 

Failure to inform users adequately about AI interactions and data usage may result in distrust and potential privacy violations. Ensuring transparency is not about user convenience only; it’s about a clear understanding of how to use and interpret AI data, what decisions to derive from it, how it may evolve, and how consistent its decisions are within case groups. Accountability not only supports compliance with laws, regulations, and social norms but also highlights possible gaps in key security measures. 

2. Explainability 

Companies should be able to explain their AI system understandably. Therefore, The system should not exceed people’s ability to explain the training and learning methods and the decision-making criteria used by the system. These criteria should be documented and visible to human operators so they can review, question, and validate the AI system as it continues to «learn.» 

If AI systems cannot be explained in understandable terms, users may lose confidence in their decisions, leading to decreased adoption and reliance on AI technologies. 

3. Bias 

While inherent bias in the AI system may be unavoidable, it can still significantly damage its results and trust in the system. Bias arises, for example, from the composition of the development team, from the data and training methods, or at other points in the design and implementation process. 

Unaddressed bias in AI systems can perpetuate discrimination and inequities, resulting in unfair outcomes for certain groups and undermining trust in the system’s integrity. Concerns with natural language processing algorithms can introduce bias into applicant tracking systems.  

For instance, Amazon discontinued the use of a hiring algorithm because it exhibited a preference for candidates using terms like «executed» or «captured,» which were disproportionately present in men’s resumes, highlighting potential gender bias in the recruitment process. 

4. Resilience 

All data used by AI system components and algorithms must be secured against threats from unauthorized access, data corruption, and attacks. In early 2024, T-Mobile reported a breach affecting 37 million customer records, starting in November 2022. The company’s AI analysts determined that the threat actor exploited an AI-equipped API for unauthorized access, exposing sensitive data like names, phone numbers, and PINs. 

Therefore, artificial intelligence in business decision-making must be developed using proper security measures to prevent data breaches, manipulation, and malicious attacks. 

5. Ethics 

The AI system must meet ethical standards and company values. This includes human behavior in the design, development, and operation of the AI, as well as the behavior of the AI as a virtual actor. This condition requires considerations that traditional technologies rarely had to make, such as moral behavior, respect, fairness, distorted representation, and transparency. 

If you take the time to examine these criteria before the actual start of the project, possible deficits can be identified, and risks can be minimized before they occur. 

Future Prospects and Trends  

A further increase in the areas of application can be expected for the future of AI. Well-known examples of AI trends include dialog-enabled chat tools, monitoring systems, or algorithms that sort information from images or texts and then generate them independently. Let’s look at a few trends shaping strategic decision-making: 

  1. Broader use: AI will find its way into more and more industries in the future. From healthcare to agriculture, companies will use AI to improve their processes and make better decisions. This will lead to further adoption of AI in the business world. By 2025, data stories will become the most widespread source of valuable insights, and 75% will be automatically generated according to established parameters. Thus, companies whose niches are not yet too prevalent in AI can already consider implementing it today. This can provide a significant competitive advantage in the very near future. 
  2. Explainable AI (XAI): There will be a growing demand for artificial intelligence decision-making that can provide transparent explanations for their decisions. As users must understand how the algorithms work, XAI techniques will become increasingly important to ensure that AI models can effectively communicate their reasoning and decision-making processes to humans comprehensibly. 
  3. Context-aware AI: AI systems will evolve to consider the specific context and environment in which decisions are made. This means that AI algorithms will consider the data inputs and broader situational factors, such as user preferences, cultural norms, and ethical considerations, to make more contextually relevant and human-centric decisions. 
  4. Ethical AI and trustworthiness: There already is a heightened focus on ensuring the ethical and trustworthy use of AI in decision-making processes. Companies will need to prioritize testing and assessing the functioning of AI algorithms within their organizational contexts to build employee trust in the technology. This will involve implementing robust governance frameworks, ethical guidelines, and accountability mechanisms to address concerns related to bias, fairness, and transparency in AI-driven decisions.  


The further development of AI in making reliable decisions is now also about establishing the technical methods and the transparency and acceptance of AI. The above aspects influence the entire processing chain of AI decision-making processes (data recording, pre-processing, modeling, and application). But there are still challenges to overcome, and this is only possible if algorithms meet the following requirements: 

  • Consideration of the environment in which decisions are made. 
  • Users must understand how the algorithms work. 
  • The functioning of the algorithms must have been tested and assessed within the company. Only then will employees trust intelligent technology to make decisions for them. 

Therefore, the development of trustworthy AI goes hand in hand with the further development of technological models and the establishment of structural and organizational processes. Let us help your organization innovate beyond insights, so you make the right choice when it matters most.