DevOps consulting services

DevOps consulting services

End-to-end DevOps services company that helps to achieve acceleration and efficiency

Our DevOps expert consulting team works closely with your team to identify your current business needs and challenges to achieve faster time-to-market, better collaboration between teams, and more reliable and scalable software systems.

Leverage integrated development and operations

We use cutting-edge technologies and development methodologies while delivering DevOps services to our clients. Here are some of them:

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
We manage infrastructure using code, which allows for greater automation, repeatability, and consistency.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Our CI/CD approach automates the software delivery process, allowing for more frequent and reliable software releases.
Microservices Architecture
While utilizing microservices architecture we break down large, monolithic applications into smaller, more manageable services, which allows for greater flexibility and scalability.
With the containerization approach we package applications and their dependencies into containers, which allows for greater portability and consistency across different environments.
What’s your challenge?
If your business has outgrown your tech, we can help. Get in touch to tell us where you’d like to go. We’ll build the tools to get you there.

Lightpoint DevOps Services

We seemingly integrate DevOps methodology into customer projects to emphasize collaboration and communication between software developers and IT operations professionals, with the goal of automating the software delivery process and reducing the time between code changes and deployment. We offer a range of services, including:

Assessment and Strategy Development
A thorough analysis of your existing software development processes and infrastructure to identify areas that could be improved with DevOps practices.
Toolchain Development and Automation
Design and implementation of an automated software delivery pipeline using modern DevOps tools and technologies.
Continuous Integration and Deployment
Implementation of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices to streamline software delivery and reduce the time between code changes and deployment.
Cloud Migration
Assistance with migrating your infrastructure to a cloud-based platform to take advantage of the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing.
Devops consulting services
Training and coaching of development and operations teams to help them adopt and implement DevOps practices.
Performance Optimization
Identification and optimization of bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the software delivery process to improve performance and reduce costs.

Our DevOps Service Strategy

By developing a clear strategy that aligns with your business objectives and goals, we can help you achieve faster time-to-market, improved collaboration between teams, and more reliable and scalable software systems.

  1. Developing a Plan for Implementation

    We develop a detailed plan for implementing the DevOps service strategy, including timelines, roles and responsibilities, and training and coaching for development and operations teams.
  2. Selecting DevOps Tools and Technologies

    We select the appropriate DevOps tools and technologies that will be used to implement the DevOps service strategy, such as CI/CD pipelines, infrastructure as code, and monitoring and logging tools.
  3. Identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    We identify KPIs that will be used to measure the success of the DevOps service strategy, such as deployment frequency, lead time for changes, and mean time to recover.
  4. Continuous Improvement

    We establish a culture of continuous improvement, where feedback and metrics are used to continuously refine and improve the DevOps service strategy and processes.

We help with

Rapid delivery
Increase release pace and frequency for faster iteration, improvement and bug fixes. Innovate based on customer feedback and develop your competitive advantage.
Ensure application and infrastructure release quality, using continuous integration and delivery, monitoring and logging to check and manage software build and release.
Developers and operations share workflows. Build more efficient and effective teams on DevOps models emphasizing ownership, accountability and transparency.
Easily operate and manage development projects and infrastructure at scale, leveraging infrastructure as code to make project elements repeatable and efficient.
DevOps teams reduce unplanned and rework and automate repetitive and routine tasks, ultimately driving customer success and revenue.
Tech selection
Choose the right containerization, monitoring, testing, CI/CD and infrastructure and testing automation tools for your DevOps stack with help from Lightpoint.
We’ll work with your IT department to adjust and modify your DevOps strategy, fine-tuning your stack and upskilling your team to achieve your goals.
Continuous support
After your application or website launches, we deliver ongoing support and monitoring to ensure proper functioning, and assist with recovery and iteration.

Who we do it for


We build software that helps publishers attract, engage and convert their audiences across platforms and channels. Now you can demonstrate ROI to advertisers, derive insights from your data, and base content creation and distribution decisions on those insights
We create medical portals for clinicians, patients, and administrators to interact and share everything from appointment schedules to medical histories. Secure permissioned databases make sharing patient history faster, while payment systems accelerate insurance and copay settlements
From consumer payments systems to crowdfunding and digital banking, and from pure fintech projects to work in other verticals that involves integration with the financial system, Lightpoint’s engineers build software that deliver transparency, personalization and security
Lightpoint builds custom martech solutions to tame your stack, including data analytics and visualization to extract actionable insights from your data and custom tools to reach, engage and convert your audience across platforms, channels and devices

How We Work

As a full cycle software development company, we synchronize our development approach with our clients’ business goals and project nuances to deliver the right solution in the right time. Explore our engagement models, and choose which one works best.

DevOps technologies we work with

Azure DevOps

Our work

As a software product development company we’re proud of working with well-known companies across the globe. You’re welcome to view our entire portfolio, but here are some highlights
Website Visitor Identification Software for a Marketing and Sales Automation Corporation
Electronic Payment System for Global Fintech Market
Access Control System for mobile devices
E-commerce platform for a Jewelry Retailer

The Lightpoint difference

Focused on the business goal, mindful of the end-user, Lightpoint is a different development agency.

Beyond the technical
We don't just build great tools. We build business processes. Our team builds innovative technical solutions, but the focus is on joining the dots between your business goals and your tech.
Deep expertise
72% of our team are senior-level professionals. We marry deep technical expertise with soft skills and business know-how.
Track record of success
130+ successful projects. Recommended by 96% of our customers. 92% improvement in customer satisfaction scores. 63% increase in brand recognition.

Get in touch

Let’s talk! Tell us your business goals and we’ll translate them into sleek cross-platform applications that drive revenue, deliver security, reduce administrative burden and derive actionable insights from your business data.

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