3 Web Development Trends and Anti-Trends to Watch in 2024

latest web development trends

New websites and web applications are being developed anytime, anywhere to provide the variety of services and information people need. In this article, we’ll explore three trends in web app development for 2024. So dive in and discover the exciting opportunities the latest web development trends can offer you in the upcoming year!

In 2022, the worldwide web development market was worth about USD 60.7 billion. It’s expected to grow to USD 96.7 billion by 2028, showing a steady annual increase of 8.08%. This growth reflects the constantly changing landscape of the web development market, driven by technological advancements and the increasing demand for digital solutions.

Let’s overview the context that shapes new web development trends:

1. Advancements in web technologies

The rise of progressive web apps (PWAs), the use of WebAssembly, and the addition of new web development methodologies are greatly impacting how developers create things on the internet. These changes are like building blocks that developers use to make websites and apps faster, more scalable, personalized, accessible, and so on. Staying abreast of tech trends in web development is crucial for developers creating web applications that keep up with rising users’ expectations.

2. User experience (UX)

The increasing emphasis on user-centric design and accessibility standards shapes web development trends. Responsive design and performance optimization for a seamless user experience are vital considerations driving new developments in the market.

3. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

The integration of AI and ML into web development processes is becoming more prevalent. From personalized user experiences to automated testing and content generation, AI and ML technologies influence how developers approach web application development.

4. Cybersecurity and privacy concerns

With the growing awareness of cybersecurity threats and privacy concerns, web developers are focusing on implementing robust security measures. ​​Google’s $5 billion fine by the European Union in 2018 for violating antitrust regulations with Android showcased the regulatory impact on web development, pushing for more transparent mobile app development and distribution practices. Therefore, adopting secure coding practices and adherence to privacy regulations are crucial in shaping how web development practices evolve. 

5. Cross-browser compatibility and progressive enhancement

Prioritizing a fundamental functional experience for all users through the principles of progressive enhancement greatly influences how developers craft resilient web experiences. As the demand for cross-browser compatibility grows, these progressive enhancement principles are gaining prominence in guiding developers toward more resilient and user-friendly outcomes.

Now, let’s examine the most promising web development trends more precisely.

Trend 1: Next-Generation Application Architectures

An application architecture describes the patterns and techniques for designing and developing an application.

The world has moved online, and web applications have become the new workplaces and commercial stores. User interface trends require high performance and customizability. Next-gen architectures solve this problem. Such cutting-edge web applications are distinctive due to their ability to seamlessly integrate high performance and unparalleled customizability. They offer users a dynamic and responsive digital experience in the evolving landscape, where web applications serve as the primary platforms for work and commerce.

Here are a few real-world examples that will help to depict the scope of such technology better:

1. Microservices architecture: an e-commerce platform case

Microservices architecture is a design approach where a complex application is broken down into small, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently, promoting flexibility and easier maintenance.

An e-commerce platform adopts a microservices architecture to enhance scalability and maintainability. Each service, such as user authentication, inventory management, and payment processing, operates independently, allowing for easier updates, scaling, and fault isolation. This modular approach ensures flexibility and efficient management of complex functionalities.

2. Serverless architecture: cloud-based data processing case

Serverless architecture is a cloud computing model where developers build and run applications without managing the underlying infrastructure, allowing them to focus solely on code functionality while benefiting from automatic scaling and reduced operational complexities.

A cloud-based data processing application is based on a serverless architecture, which allows for extensive scalability. By utilizing cloud functions, the application processes data on-demand without the need for constantly running servers. Emerging web technologies allow for automatic scaling based on workload, reducing infrastructure overhead and optimizing resource utilization.

3. Event-driven architecture: real-time messaging app case

Event-driven architecture with message queues involves components communicating asynchronously through events. Messages are sent to and received from a central message queue, allowing systems to react to events in real-time. This architecture is valuable for decoupling components and enabling scalable, loosely coupled applications.

Real-time messaging applications adopt an event-driven architecture to ensure instant communication and responsiveness. Events, such as messages sent, received, or user online status changes, trigger specific actions in real time. This approach enhances user experience by delivering messages promptly and efficiently while allowing seamless integration with various platforms and devices.

These three examples, each adopting a distinct application architecture – microservices, serverless, and event-driven app capabilities – collectively underscore the prevailing trends shaping web projects. Common across these architectures is the pursuit of enhanced scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. As the web development landscape evolves, these trends reflect a strategic response to the dynamic demands of web development services that prioritize modularity, cost-effectiveness, and real-time responsiveness. 

Trend 2: Merging Web Development and AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most prominent web development breakthroughs, heralding a new era of possibilities. The demand for AI-driven communication, the automation of multifaceted tasks, and the integration of analytics solutions are poised to witness substantial growth in the current year. There are already numerous examples of AI in web development:

latest trends in web development

  1. Chatbots for customer support. AI-powered chatbot integration efficiently augments customer support. These bots use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to user queries, providing instant assistance. For instance, a company’s website might employ a chatbot to help users navigate the site, answer frequently asked questions, or even troubleshoot common issues. User experience enhancement allows businesses to handle a large volume of inquiries efficiently.
  2. Personalized content recommendations. Based on the website analysis, AI systems can deliver personalized content recommendations. Platforms like Netflix, YouTube, and e-commerce websites leverage AI to suggest movies, videos, or products tailored to individual user interests. The latest web development trends for content management are associated with increasing conversion rates.
  3. Automated code generation and bug detection. Innovations like OpenAI’s Codex are at the forefront, empowering developers to generate code snippets seamlessly through natural language descriptions. This approach accelerates the development pace and represents a significant leap forward in coding efficiency.

AI-driven web performance boosting techniques revolutionized user experience and will remain one of the cutting-edge web development trends in 2024.

Trend 3: Мultiexperience in Web Application Development

Multiexperience in web app development refers to designing and developing applications that offer a unified user experience across various devices and interaction modalities, such as web browsers, mobile devices, voice interfaces, and augmented reality. 

According to web development industry insights, this trend has gained popularity in recent years for three main reasons:

  • User-centric approach: Multiexperience prioritizes user convenience by providing a seamless and consistent experience across different platforms, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement. For instance, multiexperience web development toolkits in travel apps ensure that users can effortlessly plan, book, and manage their trips on a website and switch to a mobile app for on-the-go updates.
  • Technological advancements: The proliferation of modern web development tools, such as progressive web apps (PWAs) and responsive design principles, has enabled the creation of web apps that adapt to diverse user contexts more efficiently. Nowadays’ responsive e-commerce websites ensure a seamless shopping experience for users across various devices. Whether customers browse products on a desktop computer, a tablet, or a smartphone, the website dynamically adjusts its layout and content to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience. 
  • Rising diversity of devices: With an increasing variety of devices and interfaces, from smartphones and tablets to smart speakers and AR glasses, developers are recognizing the importance of a responsive web architecture that cater to users’ diverse preferences and habits. For example, health and fitness apps with forward-looking web design seamlessly transition from smartphones for workout planning to smartwatches for real-time activity tracking, ensuring a holistic and user-friendly experience across multiple devices.

In conclusion, multiexperience is likely to remain popular among the web app development industry best practices in 2024 and beyond due to its ability to provide a user-centric, technologically advanced, and device-diverse approach, aligning with the ever-evolving needs of modern users and the expanding array of future-ready websites.

web development anti-trends

Anti-trends in web development often respond to challenges or drawbacks associated with existing trends. They may stem from practical issues, changing user preferences, or technological limitations. Trends can evolve into anti-trends when they become overly complex, fail to address user needs, or are overshadowed by more efficient technologies. 

Feedback from developers, shifts in market demands, and advancements in alternative approaches can collectively contribute to transforming once-prominent new trends in web development into anti-trends within the dynamic landscape of web development. However, it is just as equally important to know which direction is no longer worth moving in.

  1. Metaverse flop. All speaking from the Metaverse. The EU has organized an event for 400,000 CHF in the Metaverse. But, according to media highlights, only eight avatars were spotted at the event. The business community is also not yet entirely clear about what use cases the Metaverse / Web 3.0 offers, so it became one of the most famous anti-trends in web development. 
  2. Heavy reliance on cookies for tracking. The excessive use of cookies for user tracking and analytics has become less popular due to privacy concerns and evolving regulations. Web developers are now shifting towards more privacy-focused approaches, utilizing technologies like server-side tracking and anonymized analytics tools. This transition is evident in the move away from intrusive cookie banners on websites.
  3. Single-page applications (SPAs) for all scenarios. While SPAs offer a seamless user experience, developers have recognized that they may not be the optimal choice for all scenarios. Overusing SPAs, especially for content-heavy websites or those requiring extensive SEO optimization, is considered an anti-trend. The latest trends in web development prioritize a more balanced approach, incorporating server-side rendering or hybrid solutions. An example is the move away from exclusive SPA architecture for content-heavy news websites, as search engine optimization (SEO) considerations become more critical.

Being informed about web development anti-trends is essential for developers because it allows them to recognize and avoid outdated or counterproductive practices. Forward-thinking web developers make informed decisions, maintain the relevance and efficiency of web security measures, and contribute to a more innovative and future-proof digital landscape.

How to Keep Up With the Web Development Evolution?

Web development trends (as well as being aware of anti-trends) are definitely a good thing, and businesses need to know the industry’s direction. However, we suggest overviewing a few tips that can tips while implementing the latest frameworks and tools.

  1. Change management. Establish a continuous learning culture within the development teams, invest in ongoing training programs, and foster collaboration with industry communities. Regularly assess and update technology stacks to align with emerging trends.
  2. Security compliance. Prioritize cybersecurity education for development teams, conduct regular security audits, and integrate security practices into the development life cycle. Implement frameworks compliant with data protection regulations and stay informed about evolving security threats.
  3. Diverse accessibility. Leverage automation tools for testing accessibility and gather user feedback for continuous improvement. Invest in responsive design and performance optimization for a smooth user experience across devices.

By avoiding outdated practices, businesses can adapt their strategies to foster innovation, prioritize security, and ensure an optimal user experience. Continuous monitoring of industry trends and proactive decision-making will be crucial for overcoming the dynamic challenges in the web development landscape in 2024.


How can you envisage the introduction of truly impactful innovations, rather than those that are followed for the sake of ticking boxes? Establish a feedback mechanism to continuously assess the impact of the latest web development strategies. Regularly solicit input from employees to identify areas that may require further attention or improvement. This iterative feedback loop helps refine the implementation strategy and address emerging issues.

Except for the change management, businesses in 2024 will experience the industry transformation in web development and deal with the ever-increasing demands of end users. To overcome this challenge, developers must use a well-thought-out combination of software technologies. Also, businesses can rely on partners in the industry who are at the forefront of web development and can not only help calculate the ROI of new technologies but also help you choose a trend that can skyrocket your business. Schedule a consultation with our expert today to learn more.