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Development of an AI solution for business

Data science is one of the most advanced areas of the 21st century and now almost every business strives to increase the profit and/or quality of its product with the help of machine learning, and Lightpoint Global is no exception.

The company’s portfolio already includes a large number of completed projects with the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, moreover, we are also engaged in outsourcing in this area, thereby helping teams and companies to improve their products.

Today we want to tell you about one of the completed projects that we outsourced. It all starts with the fact that the client comes to us with some task or at least a concept of how he wants to implement data science in his project. In this case, it was necessary to write an automated bot that would select the most relevant responses based on the semantic structure of user requests.

So, after the task is specified, formulated and data is received from the customer, the process of direct development of the required solution begins, in which our specialists are guided by their professionalism and all the latest achievements in data science that are required for the most high-quality solution of the problem, as well as the most modern and highly effective tools and libraries for data analysis, such as Jupyterhub, Python 3.9, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, NLTK, Keras, NMSLIB and so on. In this case, a comparative analysis of the most suitable state-of-the-art architectures for working with text data (such as word2vec, BERT, ALBERT) was carried out, which resulted in the selection of the best methods that maximize the quality of the product being developed. More specifically, within the framework of this task, the quality obtained exceeded the mark of 95%.

After the development is completed, the results are qualitatively tested before being given to the customer, and only after a full check for compliance with all the stated requirements, the product is transferred to the customer.

At the same time, important steps that are present throughout the development are maintaining communication with the customer and timely giving answers to any questions of interest to the customer.

After the product is accepted by the customer, work on the solution stops, but our team is always ready to help in the future and provide support for improving this product or creating a new one.

To sum up, we would like to say that this article describes the full cycle of creating a new product in the field of machine learning and data analysis, and if you would also like to get high-quality solutions to improve your business – feel free to contact our specialists and we will be able to help you!